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Subroutes or nested routes in Ionic/Angular

I'm curios how to achieve the following:

I have a tree structure: Senior Managers -> Managers -> Associate Managers -> Consultants

  1. Managers shows a list of Senior Managers /managers
  2. The route managers/:id selects a certain manager of course
  3. Now managers have associated staff and timetables for example. I want a stable navigation at this level, where a user can choose between staff /managers/:id/staff and timetables /managers/:id/timetables .

So I thought about having a usual


  <ion-router-outlet id="main-content"></ion-router-outlet>


Where managers-route and the managers-id-route is defined.

Inside the page, where managers-id-route leads to, the must be something like the nav and second router-outlet right?

<nav>Static Nav</nav>
<ion-router-outlet id="aux-content"></ion-router-outlet>

Or is my way of thinking wrong? Where can I see such a thing by example?

I would do this with reusable components. And then with each selection just call your api. Here is some sudo code:


<ng-container *ngIf="seniorManagerData$ | async as smd">
  <app-senior-manager-view [inputData]="smd">


<ng-container *ngIf="managerData$ | async as md">
  <app-manager-view [inputData]="md" [seniorManager]="seniorManagerSelection" *ngIf="seniorManagerSelection">


<ng-container *ngIf="associateManagerData$ | async as amd">
  <app-associate-manager-view [associateManager]="associateManagerSelection" *ngIf="associateManagerSelection" [inputData]="amd">


<ng-container *ngIf="consultantData$ | async as cd">
  <app-consultant-view [consultant]="consulantSelection" *ngIf="consultantSelection" [inputData]="cd">

Each component could have an api service injected into it which would call your back end data to load the appropriate info. No need to use ionic/angular routes at all.

So some pseudo code again along the lines of:

seniorManagerData$ :Observable<unknown>;

seniorManagerSelection: unknown;

constructor( myApi: ApiService) {}

viewWillEnter() {
   //do this within a loading controller, don't block your UI
   this.seniorManagerData$ = this.myApi.getSeniorManagerData();

onSeniorManagerSelection(mySelection: unknown) {
   this.seniorManagerSelection = mySelection;

Again this is just pseudo code which probably needs adjustment within an actual project. But hopefully this gives some idea.

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