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Why does my Javascript calculator multiply the answer by 2 when pressing an operator following an equals press?

I am working my way through The Odin Project and I'm currently stuck on the "Calculator" project.

For the most part, considering my current Javascript knowledge, I am happy with how it works. However; after outputting the result of a calculation by pressing the equals button, if I then press any of the mathematical operators if will then immediately multiply the displayed value by 2 and I can not figure out why.

The calculator can be found here: https://nortski78.github.io/calculator/

To reproduce the bug, enter 5 + 5 = + (that will display 20)

The parts of my code where I believe the problem lies is:

operatorButtons.forEach((operatorButton) => {
    operatorButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
        clear = true;

btnEquals.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
    operate(operator, firstOperand, secondOperand);
    clear = true;

function setOperand(operand){

    operand = parseFloat(operand);

    if(firstOperand === null) { firstOperand = operand; }
    else { 
        secondOperand = operand;
        clear = true;
        updateDisplay(operate(operator, firstOperand, secondOperand));
        firstOperand = getDisplayValue();

function setOperator(digit){

    if(digit != "="){
        operator = digit;

function operate(operator, num1, num2){

        case "+":
            return add(num1, num2);
        case "-":
            return subtract(num1, num2);
        case "*":
            return multiply(num1, num2);
        case "/":
            return divide(num1, num2);

Clicking + calls setOperand . In there if(firstOperand === null) won't be true, you already assigned a value to that variable before (when you processed the previous + button click), and it never gets “nulled” again anywhere.

So this proceeds with assigning secondOperand , and then it calls operate wrapped in updateDisplay .

So after pressing = , you have to reset your first operand, so that when it goes through setOperand again, it will assign a new first operand first, and only perform the calculation & display update on the second operand.

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