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Master Boot Record using GNU Assembly: extra bytes in flat binary output

I am try to compile the simple following MBR:

.globl _start
    jmp end
; Don't bother with 0xAA55 yet

I run the following commands:

> as --32 -o boot.o boot.s
> ld -m elf_i386 boot.o --oformat=binary -o mbr  -Ttext 0x7c00

However, I get a binary file of more than 129MB which is strange to me. Thus, I wanted to know what is going on in that build process? Thank you very much.

Running objdump over boot.o give me:

> objdump -s boot.o
boot.o:     format de fichier elf32-i386

Contenu de la section .text :
 0000 ebfe                                 ..              
Contenu de la section .note.gnu.property :
 0000 04000000 18000000 05000000 474e5500  ............GNU.
 0010 020001c0 04000000 00000000 010001c0  ................
 0020 04000000 01000000 

Manually removing the section .note.gnu.property before calling ld seems to solve the problem. However, I don't know why this section appears by default... Running the following build commands seems to solve the problem too:

> as --32 -o boot.o boot.s -mx86-used-note=no
> ld -m elf_i386 boot.o --oformat=binary -o mbr  -Ttext 0x7c00

using -mx86-used-note=no flag with as will remove note section. Check here https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/as/i386_002dOptions.html



These options control whether the assembler should generate GNU_PROPERTY_X86_ISA_1_USED and GNU_PROPERTY_X86_FEATURE_2_USED GNU property notes. The default can be controlled by the --enable-x86-used-note configure option.

ld links all your sections into the flat binary output unless you tell it not to (with a linker script for example).

The extra bytes are from the .note.gnu.property section which as adds, which can indicate stuff like x86 ISA version (eg AVX2+FMA+BMI2, Haswell feature level, is x86-64_v3.) You don't want that in your flat binary, especially not at the default high address far from where you tell it to put your .text section with -Ttext ; that would result in a huge file with zeros padding the gap since it's a flat binary.

Using as -mx86-used-note=no will omit that section from the .o in the first place, leaving only the sections you define in your asm source. From the GAS manual's i386 options


These options control whether the assembler should generate GNU_PROPERTY_X86_ISA_1_USED and GNU_PROPERTY_X86_FEATURE_2_USED GNU property notes. The default can be controlled by the --enable-x86-used-note configure option.

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