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R corrplot for 3 arrays of numbers

The following generates 3 arrays from some data frames.

Ga = data.matrix(GDP_per_capita_FINALE)
Ia = data.matrix(Internet_usage_finale)
Ma = data.matrix(Mobile_cellular_subscriptions_per_100_people_)

w_GDP = Ga[6,][2:21]
w_internet = Ia[6,][2:21]
w_mobile = Ma[6,][2:21]

print(w_GDP) returns [1] 8169.163 8222.646 8296.169 8435.812 8698.593 8927.916 9204.324 9484.938 9542.370 9269.275 9553.185 9738.992 9867.455 10012.005 10178.372 10349.993 10497.649 10721.484 10920.123 11059.488 and it's about the same for the other two lists

I want to plot a correlation plot between the 3 lists, it should be, and I am expecting, a 3x3 matrix consisting of cor(c(w_mobile), c(w_GDP))=0.9657749 , cor(c(w_internet), c(w_GDP))=0.9837412 , cor(c(w_mobile), c(w_internet))=0.9751028 , and the correlation of 1 between each list with themselves.

What I tried is to make the matrix mat = matrix(c(w_GDP, w_mobile, w_internet), nrow=3) then perform

temp = cor(mat)
       hc.order = TRUE, 
       type = "lower",
       lab = TRUE)

But this returns the 20x20 plot


Which is not what I am looking for, I need the 3x3 plot involving the variables I mentioned above ( cor(c(w_mobile), c(w_GDP)) , and the rest), Anyone know what I should do?

I think the matrix should be created columnwise meaning w_GDP should be column 1 and so on. An easy way would be to just put the vectors in a dataframe. Try:

dat = data.frame(w_GDP, w_internet,w_mobile)
temp = cor(dat)
ggcorrplot::ggcorrplot(temp, hc.order = TRUE, type = "lower", lab = TRUE)

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