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Ajax call asp.net mvc 5 controller, parameter return null

I try to call my controller using ajax. But my parameter return null when I reach the controller Here is my code for view

function ajaxfunction(id) {
        var serviceURL = '/Users/AddWishList';
        alert("inside ajax");
            type: "POST",
            url: serviceURL,
            data: roomID = id ,
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataType: "json",
            success: successFunc,
            error: errorFunc

        function successFunc(data, status) {

        function errorFunc() {

The alert(id) is showing the data properly, but when I reach the controller it returns null. enter image description here

        public JsonResult AddWishList(string roomID)
            wishList wish = new wishList();
            wish.roomID = roomID;
            var user = _context.UsersDB.Where(u => u.userName == HttpContext.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();
            wish.userID = user.userID.ToString();
            return Json("Room added to your wish list",JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

and the return message also cannot be display, which is "data" inside the ajax. Can someone help?

You have to pass object to controller. Replace:

data: roomID = id ,


data: JSON.stringify({'roomID' : id}) ,

this should work, as expected.

It is much more simple to use GET in this case but if you still want to use POST you will have to use a ViewModel

public class ViewModel
 public string  RoomID {get;set;}

and change the action header:

 public JsonResult AddWishList(ViewModel viewModel)
 var roomID=viewModel.RoomId;

use this ajax code:

function ajaxfunction(id) {
        var serviceURL = '/Users/AddWishList';
            type: "POST",
            url: serviceURL,
            data: {roomID = id} ,
            success: successFunc,
            error: errorFunc

        function successFunc(data, status) {

        function errorFunc() {

if you deside to use GET:

 public JsonResult AddWishList(string roomID)

and ajax

 var serviceURL = '/Users/AddWishList/'+id;

 type: "GET",
 url: serviceURL,
  success: successFunc,

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