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Can Docusaurus read all files in a folder?

With Docusaurus sidebars.js can be specified like this:

module.exports = {
  docs: [
      type: 'category',
      label: 'Docs',
      items: [
          type: 'category',
          label: 'Widgets',
          type: 'category',
          label: 'Next category',

This means I need to put every file I create into the sidemenu.js. Is it possible to just put a wildcard, such as *.* and just dynamically read all files in a folder?

Extract from the Docusaurus documentatio n ( https://docusaurus.io/docs/sidebar )

Docusaurus can create a sidebar automatically from your filesystem structure: each folder creates a sidebar category.

An autogenerated item is converted by Docusaurus to a sidebar slice: a list of items of type doc and category.

type SidebarItemAutogenerated = {
  type: 'autogenerated';
  dirName: string; // Source folder to generate the sidebar slice from (relative to docs)

Docusaurus can generate a sidebar from your docs folder:


module.exports = {
  myAutogeneratedSidebar: [
      type: 'autogenerated',
      dirName: '.', // '.' means the current docs folder

You can also use multiple autogenerated items in a sidebar, and interleave them with regular sidebar items:


module.exports = {
  mySidebar: [
      type: 'category',
      label: 'Tutorials',
      items: [
          type: 'autogenerated',
          dirName: 'tutorials/easy', // Generate sidebar slice from docs/tutorials/easy
          type: 'autogenerated',
          dirName: 'tutorials/advanced', // Generate sidebar slice from docs/tutorials/hard
      type: 'autogenerated',
      dirName: 'guides', // Generate sidebar slice from docs/guides
      type: 'category',
      label: 'Community',
      items: ['team', 'chat'],

So as in the example above, for your example you should use type: 'autogenerated' and dirName: 'widgets' .

I advise you to read the Sidebar documentation carefully to apply this correctly

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