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I can't inject fragment viewmodel with Hilt

I'm trying to inject the viewmodel to the Fragment using hilt, for that I created two modules one for my network component and another for the characters viewmodel.

The network module is installed in SingletonComponent and I need that the characters module installs in the FragmentComponent to get the Viewmodel through "by viewmodels()"

My activity and my fragment are annotated with "@AndroidEntryPoint" and my Application is annotated with "@HiltAndroidApp" my modules are:

class NetworkModule {

    fun provideLoggingInterceptor(): HttpLoggingInterceptor {
        val loggingInterceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
        loggingInterceptor.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
        return loggingInterceptor

    fun provideAuthorizationInterceptor(): AuthorizationInterceptor =

    fun provideInterceptors(
        loggingInterceptor: HttpLoggingInterceptor,
        authorizationInterceptor: AuthorizationInterceptor
    ): HttpInterceptors = HttpInterceptors(

    fun provideTimeouts(): HttpTimeouts = HttpTimeouts()

    fun provideHttpClient(
        timeouts: HttpTimeouts,
        interceptors: HttpInterceptors
    ): HttpBuilderFactory = HttpClientBuilderFactory(timeouts, interceptors)

    fun provideGsonConverter(): GsonFactory = GsonBuilderFactory()

    fun provideHttpServiceProvider(
        httpBuilderFactory: HttpBuilderFactory,
        gsonFactory: GsonFactory
    ): HttpProvider = HttpServiceProvider(httpBuilderFactory, gsonFactory)
class CharacterListModule {

    fun provideCharacterMapper(): Mapper<CharacterDataContainer, PaginatedCharacters> =

    fun provideCharacterServices(
        httpServiceProvider: HttpProvider
    ): CharacterServices = httpServiceProvider.createService(CharacterServices::class.java)

    fun provideCharacterListRemoteSource(
        characterServices: CharacterServices,
        characterMapper: Mapper<CharacterDataContainer, PaginatedCharacters>
    ): CharacterListSource = CharacterListRemoteSourceImpl(

    fun provideCharacterListRepository(
        characterListRemoteSource: CharacterListSource
    ): CharacterListRepository = CharacterListRepositoryImpl(

    fun provideCoroutineDispatcher() = Dispatchers.IO

    fun provideCharacterListUseCase(
        coroutineDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
        characterListRepository: CharacterListRepository
    ) = CharacterListUseCase(

    fun provideCharacterUIMapper(): Mapper<Character, CharacterUI> = CharacterUIMapper()

and my viewmodel is:

class CharacterListViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val characterListUseCase: CharacterListUseCase,
    private val characterUIMapper: Mapper<Character, CharacterUI>
) : ViewModel() {

Also when I use SingletonComponent in both cases the application runs fine, but when try to use FragmentComponent fails:



Finally my dependencies are:

    object Hilt {

        internal object Versions {
            const val hilt = "2.33-beta"
            const val hiltViewModel = "1.0.0-alpha01"

        const val hilt = "com.google.dagger:hilt-android:${Versions.hilt}"
        const val hiltCompiler = "com.google.dagger:hilt-android-compiler:${Versions.hilt}"
        const val hiltViewModel = "androidx.hilt:hilt-lifecycle-viewmodel:${Versions.hiltViewModel}"
        const val hiltViewModelCompiler = "androidx.hilt:hilt-compiler:${Versions.hiltViewModel}"

As it names says "FragmentComponent"(s) only live as long as it fragments does. You can't inject something that is fragment scoped into a view model, because viewmodels outlive its fragments lifecycle.. Change "FragmentScoped" with "SingletonScoped".

Please read the official documentation first before working with scopes. 99% of the time, using a "SingletonComponent" is more than enough

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