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Subscribe EventEmmiter in an other service angular unit test

I try to test EventEmitter is correctly call in an angular service. But I have two service.

Service One

public methodToTestInServiceOne(message: string) {

Service Two

public onMessageStart = new EventEmitter();
public onMessageEnd = new EventEmitter();

public methodInServiceTwo(message: string): void {
    /* Code... */

Unit test Service One

describe("serviceOne", (): void => {
  let serviceOne: ServiceOne;
  let serviceTwo: ServiceTwo;

  beforeEach((): void => {
    TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [] });
    service = TestBed.inject(ServiceOne);
    serviceTwo = TestBed.inject(ServiceTwo);

  describe("methodToTestInServiceOne", (): void => {
    it("should call EventEmmiter", (): void => {
      let isMessageSend: boolean = false;

      serviceTwo.onMessageEnd.subscribe((message: string): void => {
        isMessageSend = true;

      serviceOne.methodToTestInServiceOne("Hello World !");


This code doesn't works, but if I called directly my service two.

serviceTwo.methodInServiceTwo("Hello World !")

The test works, Please? how I can test my EventEmitter calling serviceOne ?

Try putting ServiceOne and ServiceTwo in the providers array of the TestBed .

Try this:

describe("serviceOne", (): void => {
  let serviceOne: ServiceOne;
  let serviceTwo: ServiceTwo;

  beforeEach((): void => {
      providers: [
        ServiceTwo, // !! - Add these two here - !!
    service = TestBed.inject(ServiceOne);
    serviceTwo = TestBed.inject(ServiceTwo);

  describe("methodToTestInServiceOne", (done): void => { // !! add done here
    it("should call EventEmmiter", (): void => {
      let isMessageSend: boolean = false;

      serviceTwo.onMessageEnd.subscribe((message: string): void => {
        console.log(`1.) subscribing to message, ${message}`);
        console.log(`2.) Setting isMessageSend to true`);
        isMessageSend = true;
        done(); // !! call done to let Jasmine know we are done with the test

      serviceOne.methodToTestInServiceOne("Hello World !");
      console.log(`3.) Checking isMessageSend is truthy`);
public methodToTestInServiceOne(message: string) {
  console.log('[Service One] calling method in service two');
public methodInServiceTwo(message: string): void {
    /* Code... */
    console.log('[Service Two] onMessageEnd being emitted');

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