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Calling a setTimeOut after another setTimeOut in Pure JavaScript

I have two setTimeOut here. The second setTimeOut must be called after the first time out.

 setTimeout(() => { 
    }, 3000);

    setTimeout(() => { 
    }, 4000);

But I know that this is not a good solution on this. So I tried to do a Promise:

  const timer = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));


This however, did not work. How can I fix this to make it call in order? Also, is there a version to do this using asynchronous?

You are creating the promises, and then passing them to Promise.all , which waits for all of them simultaneously.

You want to start the second timer in response to the first timer.

This would do you you want:

  .then(() => {
       return timer(1000);
  }).then(() => location.reload(true));

If you wanted this in an an async function:

async function example() {
   await timer(3000);
   await timer(1000);

example().then(() => console.log('async function complete!'));

You are nearly there,

To use timer the way you want, you can use async / await , just remember to be able to use await , it has to be called withing another async function, here I've just placed inside an IFFE to achieve this..

 const timer = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms)); (async function () { console.log('Waiting 3 seconds'); await timer(3000); console.log('loaded'); await timer(1000); console.log('reload'); }());

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