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Can i use file locking in this scenario?

Please i have a conceptual question. I have two processes that outputs a file with the same name in the same directory and then execute/read that file in a perl script. These two processes can be run concurrently and i am afraid there is a chance the file can be over written by the other process hence one of the process executing an incorrect source file. essentially the line is like this: (the two lines are common to both processes)

$cmd = `my_script.pl`;  ## This generates runx file
$cmd = `source runx | grep - i "Error";`

NOTE: I don't have control over the name of the file and i must run both processes in the same

Can i use an exclusive file lock right after the first command to prevent collusion?

The file you lock doesn't have to be the file you want to protect.

use Fcntl qw( LOCK_EX );

my $output;
   my $script_qfn = 'my_script.pl';
   my $lock_qfn  = $script_qfn . '.lock';

   open(my $fh, '>', $lock_qfn)
      or die("Can't create lock file \"$lock_qfn\": $!\n");

   flock($fh, LOCK_EX)
      or die("Can't lock \"$lock_qfn\": $!\n");

   system { $script_qfn } $script_qfn;
   $output = `source runx | grep -i Error`;

But why not have my_script.pl send its output to STDOUT? Then there would be no need to lock. You could simply use the following:

my $output = `my_script.pl | sh | grep -i Error`;

There are three ways of calling system :

  • system($shell_command) .
  • system($prog, @args) . Has to have at least one arg.
  • system({ $prog } $arg0, @args) . 0+ args.

In this case, we didn't have shell command, and we didn't have any args, so we had to use the third approach (or build a shell command, say, using String::ShellQuote's shell_quote ). To use system($script_qfn) would have introduced a code injection bug .

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