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how can i use AsyncStorage data Everywhere?

I am using the saga library. And tokens are stored in AsyncStorage. What I want is to freely use the token obtained from AsyncStorage in the loadUserPosts function or in loadPosts. In this case, where should async be added and how do I fix the code?

this is my code

    const token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('tokenstore');

    function* loadUserPosts(action) {
      try {
        yield put({
          type: LOAD_USER_POSTS_SUCCESS,
          data: result.data,
      } catch (err) {

    function* loadPosts(action) {
      try {
        yield put({
          type: LOAD_POSTS_SUCCESS,
          data: result.data,
      } catch (err) {

    function* watchLoadPost() {
      yield takeLatest(LOAD_POST_REQUEST, loadPosts);

    function* watchLoadUserPosts() {
      yield throttle(5000, LOAD_USER_POSTS_REQUEST, loadUserPosts);

    export default function* postSaga() {
      yield all([


You can try and yield you async result. You might not even need async becuase generator function will yield until it gets a result.

function* loadUserPosts(action) {
  try {
    const token = yield AsyncStorage.getItem('tokenstore');
    yield put(LOAD_USER_POSTS_SUCCESS(token));
  } catch (err) {

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