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How to "combine" 3 or more Observables?

I have these 3 Observables from 3 different Services (3 API calls):

this.gs.getLocationName().subscribe((loc) => this.locationName = loc);
this.gs.getLocationInfo(this.locationName).subscribe((data) => {
    this.lat = data.results.geometry.location.lat;
    this.lon = data.results.geometry.location.lng;
this.ws.getWeatherByCoordinates(this.lat, this.lon).subscribe((data) => ...);

As you can see it depends on the previous Observable, so I want to run them one by one.

I know how to "combine" 2 Observable with a pipe and mergeMap for example but have a problem with 3

My solution is like this:

        tap((loc) => {
          this.locationName = loc;
        mergeMap((loc) => {
          return this.gs.getLocationInfo(this.locationName);
        tap((data) => {
          this.lat = data.results[0].geometry.location.lat;
          this.lon = data.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
      .subscribe((data) => {
        this.ws.getWeatherByCoordinates(this.lat, this.lon).subscribe((data) => ...);

It works though I am not sure if it is good practice to have a Subscription in a Subscription?

So my next solution would be this:

        tap((loc) => {
          this.locationName = loc;
        mergeMap((loc) => {
          return this.gs.getLocationInfo(this.locationName);
        tap((data) => {
          this.lat = data.results[0].geometry.location.lat;
          this.lon = data.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
        concatMap((data) => {
          return this.ws.getWeatherByCoordinates(this.lat, this.lon);
      .subscribe((data: WeatherModel) => {

This also works but I am also not sure if I did it correctly. Not sure if concatMap is the way to goo but it works for me at least.

Any tips how I can improve my code quality?

You were doing well, continue with mergeMap . You can mergeMap more than one Observable

  tap(loc => this.locationName = loc),
  mergeMap(locationName => this.gs.getLocationInfo(locationName)),
  tap(data => {
    this.lat = data.results.geometry.location.lat;
    this.lon = data.results.geometry.location.lng;
  mergeMap(data => this.ws.getWeatherByCoordinates(this.lat, this.lon))
).subscribe((data) => {

Furthermore, if you will not be using the properties locationName , lat and lon , you can reduce the above to

  mergeMap(loc => this.gs.getLocationInfo(locationName)),
  map(data => ({
    lat : data.results.geometry.location.lat,
    lon : data.results.geometry.location.lng;
  mergeMap(({lat, lon}) => this.ws.getWeatherByCoordinates(lat, lon))
).subscribe((data) => {

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