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Blank page displayed when trying to display a view from a controller in Laravel 8

I have a route set up correctly... I know because the dd($dev) shows me the model instance when not commented out. ($dev is a model instance that is successfully grabbed after translating the slugs in the URL in other funcitons before getting to show)

When I view the page/route with dd($dev) commented out, I get a blank page. No error.


    public function show($dev){
        if(is_numeric($dev)) $dev=Development::find($dev);

            dd('ERROR: No development found ', $dev); // TODO handle error

        if (View::exists('development')) {
            // dd($dev); this shows development model instance OK!
            return view('development' , ['development'=>$dev]);
        dd("View doesn't exist");

I have confirmed the view works with the following route which displays the view correctly;

Route::get('/test', function () {  return view('development', ['development'=>Development::find(228)]); });


    <h1>Development: {{$development->description}}</h1>


I have other controllers displaying their views successfully. I must be missing something obvious, but struggling to spot it? Any ideas?

Just for reference, I was stupid and returning the view from the show function, but not returning that value back to the route.

public function findShow($countySlug, $locationSlug, $developmentSlug){
    $dev=$this->find($countySlug, $locationSlug, $developmentSlug);
    return $this->show($dev);

Also didnt' help that I didn't put this in the question. Sorry!

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