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"Not found" returned when creating RabbitMQ queue using rabbitmqadmin

I need to create a RabbitMQ queue from command line.

  1. I have a RabbitMQ setup in kubernetes.
  2. I login into a RabbitMQ pod and fetch the rabbitmqadmin for my version 3.8.14
  3. I run this:

./rabbitmqadmin -u user1 -p password1 -N rabbit@rabbitmq-0.rabbitmq.default.svc.cluster.local declare queue name=CompName.Player1

But instead of adding the queue I get:

** Not found: /api/queues/%2F/CompName.Player1

I tried these but had no success, also the rabbitmq log shows no events when running these rabbitmqadmin commands:

./rabbitmqadmin declare queue name=Test1

./rabbitmqadmin -u user1 -p password1 declare queue name=CompName.Player1

curl -i -u user1:password1 -H "content-type:application/json" -XPUT -d'{"durable":true}' http://localhost:15672/api/queues/%2f/CompName.Player1

Adding the queue manually via management web UI works but it's not an option for a kubernetes solution.

I got it. I think at some point the API endpoint got updated so all calls must go to http://localhost:15672/rabbitmq/api. Here's the configuration line that was added that caused the issues:

management.path_prefix = /rabbitmq

Here are the working examples:

./rabbitmqadmin -u user1 -p password1 --path-prefix=http://localhost:15672/rabbitmq declare queue name=CompName.Player1

curl -i -u user1:password1 -H "content-type:application/json" -XPUT -d'{"durable":true}' http://localhost:15672/rabbitmq/api/queues/%2f/CompName.Player1

Also this worked:

import pika
import sys
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
channel = connection.channel()
channel.queue_declare(queue='CompName.Player1', durable=True)

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