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Discord.js await messages from users other than the author

The title basically says it all, Is there a way for me to await for a message from a user other than the author. Like if a user @s someone in the command can I wait for the @ed person to respond to a certain question?

You can use TextChannel#awaitMessages() to listen for new messages in a channel. The first parameter of this function is a filter method, which can look something like this:

const filter = (message) => message.content === 'COWS';

message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, { max: 1 }).then((collected) => {
  // someone just said COWS in the channel

Just as I compared the message content, you can also compare the message author. This way you can listen for a specific person to respond to a question, collect their input, and then do something with it.

Basically just set the filter so it checks if the user who sent a message is the pinged/mentioned member.


//just get a user from the message
let mentionedMember = message.mentions.users.first(); 
//checks if the user who send the message is the mentioned member
const filter = (message) => message.author == mentionedMember;

message.channel.awaitMessages(filter, { max: 1 }).then((collected) => {
    //Whatever the mentioned member sent

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