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Setting a description with quick.db

In my discord bot, I want all users to have a customizable profile. Whenever they run a command,profile or,p. the bot will display an embed with bio (which is like an introduction like "Hello World" or something), custom embed color of their choice and other database information (.ie coins. energy etc,), I want to make sure that whenever they run something like,desc Hello World. their profile embed will have the message Hello World. and if they run.desc Lorem another time. their custom embed's bio will be edited to Lorem and so on. I got them implement with simple db.get and db.set function using quick.db but the problem is whenever the user sets a description with more than one arguments like Hello World , it only appears on the embed as HelloWorld but not the actual correct one with spaces. I really want the embed to display exactly what the user sets its description (with spaces and stuffs ) but currently my code isn't capable of it. Please give it a look and point out where I should change!

const db = require("quick.db");
const Discord = require("discord.js");

module.exports = {
  commands: ["description", "desc"],
  minArgs: 1,
  maxArgs: null,
  expectedArgs: ["description to add"],

  callback: (message, arguments, text) => {
    var desc;
    desc = arguments.join("");
    let tester = db.get(`_desc${message.author.id}`);

    if (!tester) {
      db.set(`_desc${message.author.id}`, desc);
    } else {
      db.delete(`_desc${message.author.id}`), db.set(`_desc${message.author.id}`, desc);

The above is the code for.desc and the below is the one for !profile.

const db = require("quick.db");
const Discord = require("discord.js");

module.exports = {
  commands: ["profile", "p"],
  alias: ["p"],
  minArgs: 0,
  maxArgs: null,

  callback: async (message, arguments, text) => {
    let target = message.mentions.members.first() || message.author;

    const balance = db.get(`honey_${target.id}`);
    const energy = db.get(`energy_${target.id}`);
    var desc = db.get(`_desc${target.id}`);
    if (desc === null) {
      let desc = "this user have yet to set a description!";

    const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
      .setTitle(`${target.tag}'s profile`)
        { name: "Description", value: `${desc}`, inline: false },
          name: "cards",
          value: "1",
          inline: true,
          //to do
        { name: "Gym battle record", value: "1/0", inline: true }, //to do
          name: "Honey",
          value: `${balance} :honey_pot:`,
          inline: true,
          name: "energy",
          value: `${energy} :dizzy:`,
          inline: true,


You're using arguments.join('') to get the description, which will join two strings with an empty string:

 const message = ['Hello', 'World']; console.log(message.join('')); // no spaces console.log(message.join(' ')); // instead, join by a space!

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