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How to change the value of rowData state in react hook


    const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState({ active: 'customers' });
      const [rowData, setRowData] = useState([]);
      const handleChangeTab = (activeKey) => {
        setActiveTab({ active: activeKey });
      useEffect(() => {
        if (activeTab.active === 'customers') {
              customId: 1,
              name: "Customer 1",
              customId: 2,
              name: "Customer 2",
        } else {
              customId: 1,
              name: "Supplier 1",
              customId: 2,
              name: "Supplier 2",
      }, []);
     <Nav appearance="tabs" activeKey={activeTab.active} onSelect={handleChangeTab} justified>
              <Nav.Item eventKey="customers" icon={<Icon icon='group' />}>
              <Nav.Item eventKey="suppliers" icon={<Icon icon='truck' />}>
    {rowData && rowData.map((item, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<span>ID: {item.customId}</span>< br/>
<span>Name: {item.name}</span><br/></br>

I have a problem when I try to change a tab it doesn't change the value of setRowData. I already also added this:

useEffect((), => { .... }, [rowData]);

but it cause an infinite loop.

How do I to change the value of rowData when every changing tab? without an infinite loop? and also it should change the value of rowData

The useEffect use is correct, but the dependency is wrong. What you should be putting in the dependency array is the value that triggers the effect. In this case, activeTab.active , so it will be useEffect(() =>..., [activeTab.active]); therefore when you change the tab the effect is triggered.

const rowData =
  activeTab.active === 'customers'
    ? [
          customId: 1,
          name: 'Customer 1',
          customId: 2,
          name: 'Customer 2',
    : [
          customId: 1,
          name: 'Supplier 1',
          customId: 2,
          name: 'Supplier 2',

specify rowData depending on activeTab.active


you can use useMemo for optimization

const rowData = React.useMemo(
  () =>
    activeTab.active === 'customers'
      ? [
            customId: 1,
            name: 'Customer 1',
            customId: 2,
            name: 'Customer 2',
      : [
            customId: 1,
            name: 'Supplier 1',
            customId: 2,
            name: 'Supplier 2',

You specified wrond dependency in useEffect . You need to specify dependency activeTab.active so it triggers correctly. Your useEffect should be useEffect(() => { // your logic here }, [activeTab.active]

Or You can set rowData in handleChangeTab function itself.

const handleChangeTab = (activeKey) => {
  setActiveTab({ active: activeKey });
  if (activeKey === 'customers') {
          customId: 1,
          name: "Customer 1",
          customId: 2,
          name: "Customer 2",
 } else {
         customId: 1,
         name: "Supplier 1",
         customId: 2,
         name: "Supplier 2",

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