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Override the cut/paste shortcut keys in Excel using VBA?

Can the cut/paste shortcut keys (ctrl+x, ctrl+v) be overridden in VBA (or through some other way within Excel) to only cut and paste values and text properties, but not fill or borders? Paste-special doesn't work with cut afaik, but I also have code running after each change that makes manual paste-special unusable (afaik) anyway. For reference - though I doubt it matters - the code I have running is to play chess on a toroidal board with a half-twist. Again, my question isn't about that, but if it would help to see it I can paste it in. It is worksheet-change.

Lapid Palid,

Welcome to StackOverflow!

Updated: Check to see if clipboard has data, if not message and Exit

You can do it by creating a macro in a new module:

'                         +-------------------------+             +----------+
'-------------------------|   Sub PasteasValue()    |-------------| 04/29/21 |
'                         +-------------------------+             +----------+
' Shortcut Key: Ctrl+Shift+V

Sub PasteasValue()

  Dim vCBFmts As Variant

'*** Test to see if there is data on the clipboard ***
   vCBFmts = Application.ClipboardFormats
   If UBound(vCBFmts) < 2 Then
     MsgBox "There is no data on the cliboard!", _
            vbOKOnly + vbCritical, _
            "Error: No Data to Import"
     Exit Sub
   End If

  Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
  Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub 'PasteasValue()

Then back in your workbook press Alt+F8, select the macro, Click Options and assign v as the shortcut.

Note: I didn't think this would work if pasting from other than Excel do to the use of Selection. However, I tested copying some red text from Word into Excel and it still worked.


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