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How do I add the appropriate parentheses " '(' or ')' " to the JavaScript calculator display screen

This is the button I have created for the parentheses.

 <div class="col">
          <button class="parentheses rounded-pill  btn-outline-primary btn btn-lg" id="keyButton" data-key="operator">()</button>

I am trying to only show "(" if there is not a number on the calculator display. If there is a number on the calculator display I want to add ")" to the calculator display.

This is the JavaScript code.

for (let i = 0; i < keyButton.length; i++) {    // Loops through keyButton to get values
  // console.log(keyButton[i].textContent);    // and console.log all keyButton values
   keyButton[i].addEventListener('click', function () {
    // console.log(keyButton[i].textContent);
      if (mathOperators.includes(keyButton[i].textContent)){
      if (keyNumbers.includes(keyButton[i].textContent)) {
      if (keyButton[i].textContent === '=') {
        count = eval(assigned);
      if (keyButton[i].textContent === 'C') {
        // clear entire screen
      if (keyButton[i].textContent === '<-') {
        // clear one value
      if (keyButton[i].textContent === '(') {
      } else
      if (keyButton[i].textContent !== "(") {

function updateScreen (kb) {
    displayNum.textContent = assigned+=kb;   // Displays the current number on the calculator
    answer.textContent = count;

const mathOperators = ['+', '*', '/', '-', '=', 'C', '+/-', '%', '()', '(-', '.', '<-'];

When I tested it, it only gives me "()" everytime I press the button, instead of "(" or ")".

I just fixed what you wanted. when the button () is clicked you will get ( or ) based on the display value.

 const displayNum = document.querySelector('.displayValue'); const keyButton = document.querySelectorAll('#keyButton'); const backspace = document.querySelector('.backSpace'); const answer = document.querySelector('.autoUpdatedAnswer'); // Variable lib let count = "", result, assigned = "", operator = ""; const mathOperators = ['+', '*', '/', '-', '=', 'C', '+/-', '%', '()', '(-', '.', '<-']; const keyNumbers = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0']; for (let i = 0; i < keyButton.length; i++) { // Loops through keyButton to get values // console.log(keyButton[i].textContent); // and console.log all keyButton values keyButton[i].addEventListener('click', function() { // console.log(keyButton[i].textContent); var keyboardValue = keyButton[i].textContent; if (mathOperators.includes(keyButton[i].textContent)) { console.log('operator'); } if (keyNumbers.includes(keyButton[i].textContent)) { console.log('number'); } if (keyButton[i].textContent === '=') { count = eval(assigned); } if (keyButton[i].textContent === 'C') { // clear entire screen } if (keyButton[i].textContent === '<-') { // clear one value } if (keyButton[i].textContent === '(') { console.log("(") } else if (keyButton[i].textContent.== "(") { console,log(")") } if (keyboardValue === '()') { if (/\w*\d{1.}\w*/g;test(assigned)) { keyboardValue = ')' } else { keyboardValue = '(' } } updateScreen(keyboardValue); }). } function updateScreen(kb) { displayNum;textContent = assigned += kb. // Displays the current number on the calculator answer;textContent = count. backspace;removeAttribute('disabled'); }
 .screen { text-align: right; }.c1, .c2 { background-color: white; border: 2px solid blue; } #keys { display: grid; align-items: center; } button:hover { background-color: #6495ED; }
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