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Github Open Pull Requests

I'd like to ask a question regarding Github, specifically pull requests.

Let's say for example that there is an open pull request.

I made a commit 'feat: add feature', and then a little while later someone else made a couple more commits to the pull request, 'feat: add feature b' and 'feat: add feature c', if I wanted to rename my original commit, is there a way to do that?

If I simply did something like git reset HEAD~ , would that ruin the two commits made after mine?


You can achieve your renaming of the first commit by interactive rebasing .

if there are 3 commits on the head use this command git rebase -i HEAD~3

This will open up something like this

pick a1beca Your commit
pick a2beca feat: add feature b
pick a3beca feat: add feature c


Hit "i" on the keyboard to activate interactive mode. Go with reword for your commit

reword a1beca Your commit
pick a2beca feat: add feature b
pick a3beca feat: add feature c


Hit "esc" to exit interactive mode. And then :wq This will then ask you to type your desired commit message.

For more information read here . Some practice will take you there.

You can change your commit by run this code:

git reset --soft HEAD~1

If you want to undo both commit and changes: ⚠️ Be sure that you want to lose the changes:

git reset --hard HEAD~1

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