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How to get the data of a query in arangojs

Hello I'm using arangojs, created a database, added data to the collection beusers .

Now I want to read the added data. In ArangoDB I can do so using the query

FOR user IN beusers
FILTER user.password == '3670747394' && user.email == '3817128089'


const user = await usedDB.parse(aql`
        FOR user IN ${usersCol.name}
        FILTER user.password == ${hashedPassword} && user.email == ${hashedEmail}
        RETURN user

in arangojs I get

  error: false,
  code: 200,
  parsed: true,
  collections: [],
  bindVars: [ 'value2', 'value0', 'value1' ],
  ast: [ { type: 'root', subNodes: [Array] } ]

The example in the readme got me only so far.

What am I missing? How can I read the data?

You want to use Database.query() to get a cursor ( ArrayCursor ) and then you want to return the value in the cursor's result list (for example using ArrayCursor.all() ).

So the code would look like this:

const cursor = await usedDB.query(aql`
  FOR user IN ${usersCol.name}
    FILTER user.password == ${hashedPassword} && user.email == ${hashedEmail}
    RETURN user
console.log(await cursor.all()); // returns array of users

It seems I just used the wrong method there. Correct would've been:

const user = await db.executeTransaction(
      read: ['beusers'],
      function() {
        // This code will be executed inside ArangoDB!
        const { query } = require("@arangodb");
        return query\`
            FOR user IN ${col.name}
            FILTER user.password == "${stringHash(
            )}" && user.email == "${stringHash(passedUser.email)}"
            RETURN user

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