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Nx CLI run many command is not working for multiple apps

I have tried using Nx in an attempt to make use of Monorepos. I have been facing an issue to serve multiple apps via nx run-many command. Can anyone correct me if I'm doing something wrong?

Command used: nx run-many --target=serve --all

I can see the Nx Console logging all the available apps but only running one

>  NX  Running target serve for projects:
  - app1
  - app2
> nx run app1:serve 

Try this:

nx run-many --parallel --target=serve --projects=frontend,backend 
nx run-many --target=serve --all --maxParallel=100 

The default value for --maxParallel is three, it means runs tasks in batches of three by default.

Additional, Exclude few apps to not serve then.

nx run-many --target=serve --all --maxParallel=100 --exclude=app-name


This happens due to port overriding, if you have multiple frontend apps for example they will run on the same port. You can manage every project configuration in project.json file, and there you can handle different port for every project.


"serve": {
  "executor": "@nrwl/web:dev-server",
  "options": {
    "buildTarget": "react-todo:build",
    "hmr": true,
    "port": 3001
  "configurations": {
    "production": {
      "buildTarget": "react-todo:build:production",
      "hmr": false

this is a react config in ( apps/<Your_Project_Name>/project.json )

You can change the serving port by editing package.json

"serve": {
      "executor": "@nrwl/web:dev-server",
      "options": {
        "buildTarget": "admin-web:build",
        "port": 4220,
        "hmr": true
      "configurations": {
        "production": {
          "buildTarget": "admin-web:build:production",
          "hmr": false

After that you can run nx run-many

nx run-many --parallel --target=serve --projects=frontend,backend 

Update solution in 9/2022.

  1. go to package.json adding this script that allow us to run many project with only one command

    "all": "npx nx run-many --target=serve --all --maxParallel=100"

  2. inside apps folder, there are several application, and go to their package.json , and edit `targets -> serve -> options like this sample

     "options": { "buildTarget": "your app name:build", "hmr": true, "port": 4201 // adding this },

For now, Remix uses a hardcoded 8002 port for file watcher. When running two or more remix apps at once, either one of the apps (which was started later) would have an error accessing the file server port. To override, add a .env or .env.local file in your respective app directory and add the environment variable REMIX_DEV_SERVER_WS_PORT .

 - app1
      .env.local -> REMIX_DEV_SERVER_WS_PORT=8003
 - app2
      .env.local -> REMIX_DEV_SERVER_WS_PORT=8004

This worked for me.

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