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aria-live=“polite” not reading roles of elements it is associated with

I have a site that needs to be made fully accessible. We have dynamic content that sits on a single page (doesn't reload) and changes on the screen.

For the screen-reader to keep up with this, I've added some JS logic where the attribute aria-hidden="true" or aria-live= "polite" is added to hide and reveal the targeted elements.

Although the element's aria-label is read out, I run into an issue where the role attribute is left out.

Situation 1

<div role="button" aria-label="This is a label" aria-hidden="true"></div>

I use JS to remove the attribute aria-hidden and add aria-live="polite" when this button needs to be read on the page

Which makes the screen-reader then read "This is a label"

Situation 2

<div role="button" aria-label="This is a label"></div>

However, if the content is read from the get-go without being hidden, ie no aria-hidden="true" it reads as "This is a label, Button"

I want this behaviour, but with me able to control when this occurs.

I'm using iOS screen reader on the latest Chrome.

I've tried quite a few hacks to get around this:

  • Setting aria-hidden="true" to parent and indivdual elements results in role still being omitted
  • Not using aria-live="polite" to reveal but the opposite aria-hidden="false" . This however won't even get picked up by the screen-reader

Any help or guidance much appreciated.

Additional JSFiddle, with a simplified example (you can use Apple screenreader and click into the window to hear the content read):


All the comments are decent so far but are avoiding the problem. Whether you use a real <button> or <div role="button"> doesn't matter. Using a <div> is certainly a lot more work because you need tabindex and event handlers and aria-label and such, but if all that is there, it doesn't matter to assistive technology which one you use.

Regarding aria-live , it's not meant to be a dynamic property. That is, it's not an attribute you want to add on the fly. It works best when the page is loaded and the element already has aria-live set.

The purpose of aria-live is to announce changes to the element (or child elements if aria-live is set on a container). So when the page is loaded and the right elements have aria-live, then anytime you add text to the element (or child element) or add/remove child elements or hide/unhide child elements, those changes will be announced. But only the text is announced. (See aria-relevant to control what types of changes are announced.)

You can run into timing issues if you dynamically add an element with aria-live and then add child elements to that new live region. Should the newly added children be announced right then or does the display/refresh cycle need to go through once before the "live-ness" takes affect? It's hard to say because browsers and operating systems combinations work a little differently.

What I have found is that aria-live works fantastic when I'm not dynamically adding that attribute.

Your fiddle example does not work at all with NVDA on a PC. That is, nothing is announced when the new button is revealed, which is what I expect because you're unhiding a button and adding aria-live to it. So I think the purpose of aria-live is a little misunderstood. If you add a container around the hidden button and that container has aria-live , then when the button is unhidden, it'll be announced.

I changed your fiddle to have:

<div aria-live="polite">
  <button aria-hidden="true" class="newButton hidden" role="button">
    New Content

and I changes the JS to remove the aria-live line

     activeButton.addEventListener('click',function testFunc() {

Now when I click on the "reveal" button, I hear "new content". I don't hear "button" but that's ok. aria-live is meant to announce text changes, not the role of elements.

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