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ag-grid: JavaScript Grid get row id

I am testing ag-grid and trying to get a row id when clicking on a row. I can see the value, but not retrieve it.

来自 ag-grid 的行 ID

There is no clue in the documentation. Any tip how to retrieve the data?

From the ag-grid website can you use the selectionChanged event, find the selected rows and from there you can access the associated data?

onSelectionChanged() {
  const selectedRows = this.gridApi.getSelectedRows();
  const selectedId = selectedRows[0].id;

See this example: https://plnkr.co/edit/lfjvlLlbyixDOo6m

I've just reread your question and I didn't see you want to use rowClicked. Try this example: https://plnkr.co/edit/lfjvlLlbyixDOo6m

  const clickedItem = <dataItem>params.data;

ie cast the item appropriately before using it.

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