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Why am I receiving 401 Unauthorized errors with my Doorkeeper configuration?

I have a Rails 6.1 app using devise 4.7.1, doorkeeper 5.5.1, and devise-doorkeeper 1.2.0.

I'm trying to run through a (PKCE) OAuth flow, but the final step -- a POST request to /oauth/token -- returns a 401 Unauthorized error with the JSON content {"error": "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."} .

I'm confused about this, since the /oauth/token endpoint should be accessible to unauthenticated users as far as I understand. What's also weird (but perhaps a red herring) is that if I attempt to run the same POST request with curl, but remove the User-Agent header, it succeeds.

My current suspect is this block of code in initializers/doorkeeper.rb :

  resource_owner_authenticator do
    current_user || warden.authenticate!(scope: :user)

This comes from the Doorkeeper docs . By stepping through the code, I can see that it's the call to warden.authenticate! that returns a 401 error. Doorkeeper's TokensController#create is never called.

Is there any important step I'm missing that allows unauthenticated access to this TokensController#create endpoint?

This problem was caused by our use of the Ahoy analytics library .

By default, this library tracks all page visits in your Rails app. It tries to get the current user using current_user || current_resource_ownercurrent_user || current_resource_owner . Because current_user was still nil when POSTing to /oauth/token , getting current_resource_owner ended up calling our Doorkeeper resource_owner_authenticator , which returned the 401 error. The source code for this is here .

This also explains why things worked as expected when unsetting the User-Agent header: with no user agent (or the user agent of eg curl), Ahoy treats the request as coming from a bot, and doesn't attempt to track it ( source code here ).

Our solution to this is to tell Ahoy to stop tracking all page views automatically by setting Ahoy.api_only = true in its configuration.

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