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React, how to pass known properties and props.children

Question on how to pass properties into React methods. Probably a very easy question asked before but since I don't know how to articulate it properly, do bear with me and feel free to point me to the duplicate.

I'd like to use some known properties and prop.children of a React component at the same time, how do I pass them into my React methods?

For example, I know to pass a known property into React method component we do this:

export const SomeComponent = ({prop1, prop2}) =>{ ... do something with prop1 and prop2 }

And the to use prop.children we need to do this:

export const SomeComponent = (props) =>{ ... then some tags wrapping {props.children}... }

And now I have a function that I need both prop1 and prop2 and also the props.children. How should I construct the syntax to realize this need?

ie essentially using it as:

<SomeComponent prop1={value1} prop2={value2}>
   <NestedComponent />
const MyComp = props => {
  const {prop1, children} = props;
  // do something with props
  // do something with prop1
  // do something with children
  return (<div>{children}</div>);

The ({prop1, prop2}) syntax is a destructuring assignment introduced in ES6. Actually what the function get is an object containing keys prop1 , prop2 , like this

  prop1: ...,
  prop2: ...,

You can read this for more detail: Unpacking fields from objects passed as a function parameter .

Hence, when passing both prop1, prop2, and children, you can use either syntax below:

  • With destructuring assignment:
     export const SomeComponent = ({prop1, prop2, children}) => {... do something with prop1, prop2, and children }
  • Without destructuring assignment:
     export const SomeComponent = (props) => {... do something with props.prop1, props.prop2, and props.children }

you can do something like this -

<SomeComponent  prop1={} prop2={}>
  <div> test </div>

 export const SomeComponent = (props) =>{ ...access the prop1 as props.prop1 and prop2 
 as props.prop2 and children like props.children }

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