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AWS ec2 run-instances command to create the instance with multiple security groups in PowerShell

I'm trying to run in PowerShell the command that creates EC2 instance with 2 security groups "sg-01" and "sg-02":

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $amiId --count 1 --instance-type 't3.micro' --key-name $keyPair --su.net-id 'su.net-01' --security-group-ids 'sg-01 sg02'

But I get the error: The parameter groupName cannot be used with the parameter su.net . The problem is with the --security-group-ids parameter which is 'sg-01 sg-02' . In all examples I can see only one security group used. In this SO question it's recommended to separate them with space. I tried the next variants:

--security-group-ids sg-01,sg02

--security-group-ids 'sg-01,sg02'

--security-group-ids sg-01 sg02

--security-group-ids 'sg-01 sg02'

But the error is the same. If I try with just one group --security-group-ids 'sg-01' then the instance is created successfully.

I was confused by the run-instances documentation where the syntax is defined as "string" "string"... . The next value helps to create an instance with two security groups:

--security-group-ids @('sg-01','sg-02')

I'm using PowerShell and elshev's solution worked for me.

$SGids = @('sg-01','sg-02')

--security-group-ids $SGids

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