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How can I send data from one component to another without calling that component in React?

How can I send the room.id data I obtained in the Homepage.js component to the Player.js component? Before doing this, I used PrivateRouter component in App.js. Therefore, my job is getting very difficult since I cannot call the component directly while routing the route with Link.


 <Heading as="h1" mb={6}>
            <Divider orientation="horizontal" />
           {rooms.map((room)=> (
              <ListItemText primary={room.roomName} secondary={room.roomInfo}/>
               {/* <Link to={`/room/${room.id}`}></Link> */}
                <Link to={`/room/${room.id}`}>
                Join Room


function App() {
  return (
          <PrivateRoute exact path="/">
            <Homepage />
          <PrivateRoute exact path="/create-room">
            <CreateRoom />
          <PrivateRoute exact path="/contribute">
            <Contribute />
          <PrivateRoute exact path="/room/:id">
            <Player />
          <Route path="/login">
            <LoginForm />
          <Route path="/confirm">
            <ConfirmForm />
            <NotFound />

and final, player.js

class Player extends Component {
    const params = this.getHashParams(); 
    this.state = {
      logeedIn : params.access_token ? true : false,
      currentStatus: false,
      rooms: {
      roomAdminMail: "",
      roomName: "",
      roomInfo: ""
      nowPlaying: {
        artist_name : 'Not Checked',
        song_name: 'Not Checked',
        image: ''

    this.getNowPlaying = this.getNowPlaying.bind(this);
    this.getRoomInfo = this.getRoomInfo.bind(this);


  getRoomInfo = () => {
    const db = firebase.firestore();
    .then((doc) => {
        if (doc.exists) {
          this.setState( {
            rooms: {
              roomAdminMail: doc.data().roomAdminMail,
              roomName: doc.data().roomName,
              roomInfo: doc.data().roomInfo
        } else {
           console.log("No such document!");

All I want is to send the room.id I use when routing links in homepage.js to the getRoomInfo function in Player.js, that is to make it available as db.collection('rooms').doc(roomId).get()

In player.js you can use this.props.match.params.id .

match.params are key/value pairs parsed from the URL corresponding to the dynamic segments of the path

More info here: https://reactrouter.com/web/api/match

Use Events. A CustomEvent is one native solution you could start with, or you can use an event bus .

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