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Go mod replace and github forks of /vN repositories

I've just sent a pull request to http://periph.io/x/devices/v3; it's already been merged, but something about the process was suboptimal:

First I cloned the repository (which is actually http://github.com/periph/devices; the module is named periph.io/x/devices/v3 though), so my fork is automatically called http://github.com/lutzky/devices . I wanted to test a separate piece of code I'm working on with the modified library, call it testclient ; adding this to testclient/go.mod works:

replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 v3.6.9 => ../devices

However, this should also work (and would be useful if the pull request took longer to be accepted), and doesn't:

replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 v3.6.9 => github.com/lutzky/devices main

That gives this error:

testclient/go.mod:15: replace github.com/lutzky/devices:
  version "v0.0.0-20210508194004-cae0146d8900" invalid:
  go.mod has post-v0 module path "periph.io/x/devices/v3" at revision cae0146d8900

On a hunch, I figured I'd create a tag v3.6.9-newfeature and push that to my fork, and point the replace command at that. That doesn't work either:

testclient/go.mod:15: replace github.com/lutzky/devices:
version "v3.6.9-newfeature" invalid:
module contains a go.mod file, so major version must be compatible: should be v0 or v1, not v3

So I can't use a v0 tag because go.mod says it's v3 , but I can't use a v3 tag because the URL doesn't have /v3 . I don't think I should modify go.mod in my forked repository (for one thing, that'd make the pull request silly). What's the intended way to go about this?

Here's the fix that you are looking for, I tested the following go.mod file and it works,

module test

go 1.14

replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 => github.com/lutzky/devices/v3 v3.6.9-newfeature

require (
    periph.io/x/devices/v3 v3.6.9 // indirect

I first installed periph.io/x/devices/v3 ,
go get periph.io/x/devices/v3

Then I inserted the replace in go.mod ,
replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 => github.com/lutzky/devices/v3 main
Format: replace <original_module> => <forked_repo> <branch>

Then I ran just go get . After that, the main in the replace instruction got swapped with v3.6.9-newfeature which is the latest tag on the forked repo's main branch, thus giving you the content that you see above.

Thanks to ramaraja-ramanujan@'s answer and a bit more debugging, I found the answer.

TL;DR - the correct answer is:

replace periph.io/x/devices/v3 v3.6.9 => github.com/lutzky/devices/v3 main
                                         // this part was missing ^^^

This will work immediately when building, and go mod tidy (or go get ) will change main to a specific tag. There are a couple of interesting side-notes to this:

The go proxy

The v3.6.9-newfeature tag was my own; I had created it as part of trying to get this to work. I've deleted it, and yet go mod tidy kept replacing main with v3.6.9-newfeature - no matter how many caches I cleared! Running strace it turned out that go was contacting http://proxy.golang.org . To disable this, I ran GOPROXY=direct go get . This replaced the line with the pseudo version v3.6.10-0.20210508194004-cae0146d8900 . Note that this matches the current main commit in my fork, and neither my fork nor the original repo have v3.6.10 - it appears to have started with the existing v3.6.9 and incremented it.

The /v3 is not a subdirectory

Indeed, the source repo ( https://github.com/periph/devices ) does not have a v3 subdirectory. I thought what was going on is that the periph.io domain is doing some trickery - indeed going to http://periph.io/x/devices/v3 with a browser does work. However, it would appear that Go's resolution takes the final /v3 in the module path not to indicate, in this case, a subdirectory (but indeed a restriction on tag names). This is apparently allowed, and is discussed in https://golang.org/ref/mod , but it isn't entirely straightforward.

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