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Using lapply with data in two lists in R

I have two lists and I want to use lapply to get a new list

The data is

list.A <- list(df1=data.frame(x= c(1:5), y = letters[1:5], z= rep(1,5)),
               df2=data.frame(x= c(10:15), y = letters[5:10], z= rep(10,6)))

list.B <- list(df1=data.frame(x= c(1:6), var2 = letters[10:15], var3= rep(7,6)),
               df2=data.frame(x= c(10,12), var2 = letters[1:2], var3= rep(5,2)))

I want the result to be as following

dat.1 <- left_join(list.A[[1]], list.B[[1]], by=("x"))
dat.2 <- left_join(list.A[[2]], list.B[[2]], by=("x"))

new.list <- list(df1 = dat.1, df2 =dat.2)

But when I use lapply the results are weird and not as I wish them to be

new.list <- lapply(list.A, function(a){lapply(list.B, function(b){
  df <-left_join(a, b, by=("x"))

Any help, please. I need to apply loop or lapply would work? my actual lists have so many data frames

We need either map2 from purrr as this loops over each corresponding elements of both list and do the left_join by the 'x' column

map2(list.A, list.B, ~ left_join(.x, .y, by = 'x'))


#  x y z var2 var3
#1 1 a 1    j    7
#2 2 b 1    k    7
#3 3 c 1    l    7
#4 4 d 1    m    7
#5 5 e 1    n    7

#   x y  z var2 var3
#1 10 e 10    a    5
#2 11 f 10 <NA>   NA
#3 12 g 10    b    5
#4 13 h 10 <NA>   NA
#5 14 i 10 <NA>   NA
#6 15 j 10 <NA>   NA

Or Map (from base R )

Map(merge, list.A, list.B, MoreArgs = list(all.x = TRUE, by = 'x'))

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