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Assign Azure Powershell variable to DevOps Pipeline variable

How can I assigned the $NewIP variable precalculated in this step to a DevOps pipeline variable called $pipeline_ip?


You should use logging command if you want to assign powershell variable to Azure DevOps variable

echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=pipeline_ip;]$NewIP"

Update after clarification:

If you use syntax like:

$NewIP = $(pipeline_ip) Then $(pipeline_ip) would be replaced with the value before script will be executed.

And if you use syntax like

$NewIP = $env:PIPELINE_IP then you will refer to environment variable and since all DevOps variables are mapped (except secret variables - here you need to express this excplicitly) it would also work.

However, these are two ways of doing that.

You can use two methods:

  1. $NewIP = $(pipeline_ip) Macro syntax variables
  2. $NewIP = $env:PIPELINE_IP Set variables in pipeline

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