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reactjs: how to update the child state when parent props are updated

I update the parentcomponent from child component and in return i get the new props from parent, and then i want the child state to get updated based on the prop.

    export default function ParentCompnent(){
        [name,setName] = useState("test")

        function setNameMod(){
            setName(some random name)
            <ChildComponent name=name setNameMod=setNameMod />


    function ChildComponent(props){
        {name,setNameMod} = props
        [steps,setSteps] = useState(getSteps(name))
            return some_array

        function refreshSteps(){

            // i am expecting new name from parent be used here
            // but it looks the old name is being used.

            <button onclick={()=>refreshSteps()}>Refresh</button>


I can put the steps in parent and pass as props. but i want to keep the logic at one place

Now can i do this

Try setSteps() inside useEffect() . It should work like ComponentDidUpdate() for Class Components. In useEffect we should send the parameter for a change in which our state should get updated. So whenever name will be updated the reflection will be on setSteps().

useEffect(()=> setSteps(getSteps(name)), [name]);

To update child component when props get updated, you have to use useEffect hook. You can add hook in your ChildComponent:

useEffect(() => {
}, [name]);

You should also set initially steps to empty array to avoid calling getSteps repetitively.

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