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jQuery html() is not rendering the content in a div more than once

I am having a div to show the error-popup-message .

<div id="popup-msg"></div>

And, I am making an AJAX POST call to submit login-form and if the server returns success then I am redirecting to other page, otherwise I am showing the error-popup-message . Currently, the html() is rendering the content only once when I am getting error-message from server. But when I again test it (Without reloading the page), the html() is not rendering the content, even though I am getting the error-message from server.

var getErrorPopUpHTML = function (response) {
  var html_content = "";
  // It returns the html string after processing the response object.
  return html_content;

var submitSignInForm = async function () {
  $("form").submit(function (evt) {
    var SIGNIN_ROUTE = getSignInEndpoint(); // This fetch the login-endpoint
    var payload = {
      email: $("#sign-in-email").val(),
      password: $("#sign-in-password").val(),
      url: SERVER + SIGNIN_ROUTE, // Endpoint to make the POST call
      method: "POST",
      data: payload,
      async: false,
      dataType: "json",
      success: function (response) {
        if (response.statusCode === 200) {
          window.location = response.values[0].link; // Redirecting to other page upon getting success from server
      error: function (response) {
        response = $.parseJSON(response.responseText);
        var html_file = getErrorPopUpHTML(response);
        $("#popup-msg").html(html_file).fadeOut(8000); // Rendering html content on the div: popup-msg
    return false;

$(document).ready(function () {
  $("#sign-in-btnn").on("click", submitSignInForm);

Could anyone please point the mistake here?

Thank you!

You fade out the div after showing the error message but never fade it in again. So only the first message is shown.

Fade div in before showing message


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