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How to use a next-auth jwt in relay-nextjs?

I am trying to use next-auth with relay-nextjs . I setup next-auth per a hasura jwt example , and relay-nextjs per the official docs . I want to pass a next-auth jwt Bearer token in the relay-nextjs Authorization header sent to the GraphQL endpoint.

  1. next-auth provides a getSession method. Under the hood , this requests a server endpoint.

  2. relay-nextjs provides a serverSideProps property of a withRelay HoC. You pass your page component to withRelay . You add a function to serverSideProps that will send a token to the page's Relay environment.

My problem is getSession is null inside serverSideProps :

serverSideProps: async (ctx) => {
    const { getSession } = await import('next-auth/client');

    // This is an example of getting an auth token from the request context.
    // If you don't need to authenticate users this can be removed and return an
    // empty object instead.
    const token = await getSession();
    return { token };

If I can get the token here, it works in relay-nextjs . Returning a string works fine, adds it to the header.

There's a next-auth cookie with the app page request. I checked it against the endpoint called by getSession . The cookies don't match. They do, until this part after the last dot, which changes on each request.


I ran it through the debugger, and it looks like relay-nextjs executes before the next-auth callback.

One approach I'm trying now is store the next-auth token in a database, and run a prisma query instead of getSession . Any input is welcomed.

ok this is a lot easier than I thought. Just do:

serverSideProps: async (ctx) => {

    // This is an example of getting an auth token from the request context.
    // If you don't need to authenticate users this can be removed and return an
    // empty object instead.

    return { token: ctx.req.cookies['next-auth.session-token'] };

I traced through the next-auth code here:




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