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how can i get token from firebase?

i want to get fcm token from getToken in firebase

but if i use my code token comes out like this


How can i get?

this is my code

    const App = ({}) => {
      const dispatch = useDispatch();

      useEffect(() => {
        const fcmtoken = messaging()
          .then((mainToken) => {
            return mainToken;

        console.log('fcmtoken:::', fcmtoken);
      }, []);

The getToken() call is asynchronous, and so it returns a promise. That's the structure your console.log actually outputs.

To get the actual value from a promise, you have to hook its then() callback, same as you already do for getToken() .

So, this would work:

const fcmtoken = messaging()
  .then((mainToken) => {
    return mainToken;

fcmtoken.then((token) => console.log('fcmtoken:::', token));

Typically you'll want to dispatch the token when you've gotten it, meaning you'll call dispatch inside the callback, where you now do return mainToken . Just dispatch the token there, and don't return anything.

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