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Plotting multiple lines on a Cube.js line graph

Imagine a simple line graph plotting a person count (y-axis) against a custom time value (x-axis), as such:

cube.js 折线图

Suppose you have another dimension, say specific groupings of people, how do you draw a separate line on this graph for each group?

You have to use the PivotConfig here an example I used in Angular (EDIT) Here is the Query

Query = {
  measures: ['Admissions.count'],
  timeDimensions: [
      dimension: 'Admissions.createdDate',
      granularity: 'week',
      dateRange: 'This quarter',
  dimensions: ['Admissions.status'],
  order: {
    'Admissions.createdDate': 'asc',


PivotConfig = {
  x: ['Admissions.createdDate.day'],
  y: ['Admissions.status', 'measures'],
  fillMissingDates: true,
  joinDateRange: false,

Code to extract data from resultset:

let chartData = resultSet.series(this.PivotConfig).map(item => {
        return {
          label: item.title.split(',')[0], //title contains "ADMIS, COUNT"
          data: item.series.map(({ value }) => value),

Result Object (not the one in the chart):

  "label": "ADMIS",
  "data": [2,1,0,0,0,0,0]
  "label": "SORTIE",
  "data": [2,1,0,0,0,0,0]

Here is what the output looks like!


The chart renderer in the Developer Playground is meant to be quite simplistic; I'd recommend creating a dashboard app or using one of our frontend integrations in an existing project to gain complete control over chart rendering.

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