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How to type a property in a interface according to keys of another property has unknown structure in TypeScript?

I used a module can do such thing

function print(obj, key) {

print({'test': 'content'}, '/* vs code will show code recommendation when typing */')

I want to have this feature but I forgot the name of the module and I even don't sure if I misremembered (maybe it's impossible).

I'm working on a package and have a code like this:

interface Box {
  content: {
    [key: string]: string
  using: string // key of content 

const box: Box = {
  content: {
    'something': 'inside'
  using: 'something'

function showBox(box: Box) {

Actually the content is a object comes from another package using typescript. I would like not to wrap the type if possible.

To help devs can find bugs during coding, I'm looking for if there is a way to check invalid Box type like:

const box: Box = {
  content: {
    'something': 'inside'
  using: 'samething' // raise error when checking type

Or any way can make code recommendation of IDE know the using should be a key of content object.

My code currently looks like this but it's not what I want, and I don't have any idea to go on

interface Box {
  content: {
    [key: string]: string
  using: keyof Box['content'] // will be string | number

Thanks to all response

Your solution is actually correct, but IDE cannot suggest you anything because keyof Box['content'] is typed to be an arbitrary string. If you know that content should always have some specific structure, you can just put it inside Box description like this:

interface Box {
  content: {
    something: string;
  // now it only allowed to be 'something', and IDE will suggest it
  using: keyof Box['content'];

If your content 's type is actually a parameter (meaning that you can have boxes for arbitrary types), you should make it a parameter for Box interface, thus making it a generic interface:

interface GenericBox<T> {
    content: T;
    using: keyof T;

Now you can use it like this:

// simple example interface to fill a box
interface TestContent {
    x: string;
    y: number;

const genericBox: GenericBox<TestContent> = {
    content: {x: '', y: 0},
    using: 'x', // now it can be only 'x' or 'y', and IDE will suggest it

Check it out on the playground .

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