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R Shiny reactive object as a vector (ggplot)

in my Shiny App I want to have textinput, action button and grapf plotted after clicking action but.

My problem is how to use in reactive in gtrends function (from gtrendsR package).

    ui <- fluidPage(

  textInput("fraza", "Wpisz fraze do wyszukania w Google Trends", "...")  
  ,actionButton("ab", "An action button")
server <- function(input, output) {
observeEvent(input$ab, {
  output$fraza <- renderText({input$fraza})

  zm <- reactive({input$fraza})
    gtr <- gtrends(zm)
    output$gtr <- renderPlot({plot(gtr)})
}) #zamkniecie observe
  } #zamkniecie server

shinyApp(ui, server)


Could You help me?

The output of the reactive function can be thought of as a function.

when you use zm , you should call it like zm() and you shouldn't have an issue.

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