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How to handle Nginx internal request or not

I use nginx as proxy server and I just set proxy_intercept_errors on; and also error_page directive error_page 400 /400.html; location = /400.html { root /path/to/error; } error_page 400 /400.html; location = /400.html { root /path/to/error; } error_page 400 /400.html; location = /400.html { root /path/to/error; } .

So the backend server which is tomcat(servlet) sometimes sendError likes HttpServletResponse.sendError(404); , that request may come back to nginx and redirect to 400.html.

In this situation I need to handle the internal redirect to 400.

My problem is I use a lua script which is checking some stuff from all income request, so I need to tell my lua to skip check when internal request is come.

Is it possible to identify internal request?

The below ngx.req.is_internal() is the answer.


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