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How to get values from logs in alerts text message in Elasticsearch Kiban

I am continuously sending health data of my Ubuntu machine to elasticsearch using td-agent. This health data contains cpu temperature which I have to monitor. So I have created alerts in which is the temperature value increses to more than 60*F, it gives alerts on my Microsoft Teams channel. This all setup is working fine.

Below is the logs data:

  "_index": "health_skl_gateway",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "DwxjinkBwxSy0OQ_4rhS",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "Data": {
      "WiFiIP": "N/A",
      "signal_strength": "N/A",
      "signal_percent": 0,
      "signal_level": "N/A",
      "EthIP": " ",
      "TotalDisk": "916G",
      "UsedDisk": "40G",
      "FreeDisk": "830G",
      "DiskPercent": "5%",
      "TotalRAM": "16312468",
      "UsedRAM": "3735596",
      "FreeRAM": "5866548",
      "CPU": 27,
      "cpu_temp": 57,
      "Internet": true,
      "Publish msg count": 442,
      "Created": "2021-05-20T15:26:51.557564",
      "DeviceId": "TX-G1-318",
      "UpTime": "2021-05-19T07:13:05"
    "hostname": "TX-G1-318",
    "Version": "V2"
  "fields": {
    "Data.UpTime": [
    "Data.Created": [
  "sort": [

In alerting of Kibana, I have set alerts in which if the count is 3, of all documents of index health_skl_gateway , for last 10 minutes , where Data.cpu_temp is greater than 60 , it generates alerts to Microsoft Teams channel. Now below is how I have configured the message which is sent to Microsoft teams


So in the message, I am just sending the static text message. But I want to send the actual Data.cpu_temp value in the messsage.

Is this possible. How can we do this? Thanks

Did you try using double braces? Like this . I guess mapping is done in the same way for all alert types.

In the server monitoring example, the email action type is used, and server is mapped to the body of the email, using the template string CPU on {{server}} is high.

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