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Combining cells unless a cell contains certain text

I have an Excel spreadsheet with 7 cells (in a column) with data in, these are C13 to C19 I have a formula that combines all the data in these cells together and puts it into one cell, this formula is =C13&", "&C14&", "&C15&", "&C16&", "&C17&", "&C18&", "&C19 and works fine. However, can I alter this formula to miss out on any cell that contains the text "Nothing else carby"?

You may, in Excel 2019, use:

=TEXTJOIN(", ",,IF(C13:C19<>"Nothing else carby",C13:C19,""))

If "Nothing else carby" can be a substring inside a cell's value, try:

=TEXTJOIN(", ",,IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Nothing else carby",C13:C19)),"",C13:C19))

Confirm through Ctrl Shift Enter

The formula should not be that long, as you can see:

=TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,IF(C13:C19="Nothing","", C13:C19))

(I just used "Nothing" instead of the whole word for readability reasons.)

Explanation of the parameters:

"," : delimiter: between every cell content, a comma is added.
TRUE : treatment of blank cells (don't put them).
IF (...) : In case cell content is "Nothing", put an empty string. 
           In combination with the previous parameter,
           just one comma will be put in the result:
           "a,b,c,e,f,g" and not "a,b,c,,e,f,g" (see result).

Used data:




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