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Display selected value on dropdown in jQuery

I have a dropdown in my edit form, but it doesn't display the selected value on the index.


 var ingredients=<?php echo $boms->load('rawMaterial') ?>;
 console.log('BillOfMaterials', ingredients);


I put onClick=setIngredientsId on my edit button.

function setIngredientsId(id){

        ingredients.forEach(element => {

                console.log('hello', element.raw_material)
                $('#modal-title-new-ingredients').html("Edit Ingredient")

hello 的控制台日志结果

Below is my dropdown HTML:-

<select class="noselecttwo form-control" name="ingredients" id="ingredients" required>
  <option disabled selected value> -- Select a Ingredient -- </option>
    @foreach ($ingredients as $ingredient)
       <option id="var{{$ingredient->id}}" value="{{$ingredient->id}}">{{ $ingredient->name.' - '. $ingredient->rawMaterialUnit->name}}</option>

Only missed a single line, here for those who face the same problem!


This way you let JS update the UI. Thanks Rob for helping at the comment section!

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