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getServerSideProps is not updating data with import

I'm having a problem with getServerSideProps in NextJS not updating values on page load. It seems to be having the same effect as using getStaticProps when calling from data that is an imported json file.

Here's the applicable code:


import { hasPermission, getPermissions } from '../../lib/permissions'
//in the page function I use the ternary to check permission of the user
{ (hasPermission(session.user.email, `${params.id[0]}-edit`, permissions)) ? <HasPerm /> : <NoPerm /> }
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const params = context.query
  const permissions = getPermissions()
  return {
    props: { params, permissions }


import permissions from '../db/users.json'

export function hasPermission(username, group, perm = false) {
  if (!perm)
    perm = permissions

  if (username in perm && perm[username].groups.includes(group)) {
    return true
  if (perm.all.groups.includes(group)) {
    return true
  return false

export function getPermissions() {
  return permissions

For SSR pages that were understandably doing this to begin with, I pass in the permissions to the page in getStaticProps and pass those values into my hasPermission() function in those pages so that they are revalidated on permissions change. Yet there is no revalidation option in getServerSideProps so the data is not revalidated at all. I was using getInitialProps before but pretty much everyone discourages that because it disables ASO.

How do I use getServerSideProps such that my imported json is at least revalidated? Thanks

I ended up not using the json import and used fs instead for other reasons but the issue is resolved by using dynamic imports in the getServerSideProps :

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const permissions = await import('../db/users.json')

Also don't make my same mistake of passing the whole permissions database to every user as was being done by using a function like getPermissions in getStaticProps to get the data to the hasPermission function in the page. Instead, only serve data with getServerSideProps if the user has permission. In other words, ensure you're holding the data back from the server-side. Then you can also pass through an individual's permissions to the page if you need to, like for displaying a message saying you don't have permission.

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