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How do I upload FIle in Vuejs and Expressjs

Hey please am new to Vuejs and Express...So am trying to practice.

So am trying to create a User Profile with comes with a image Using Vuejs and ExpressJs but none of the file or text is uploading.

This is my CreateProfile.vue file

       <div class="icon-pic">
       <label for="Password">Upload your Logo / Picture</label>
        <input type="file" ref="file" @change="handleFileUpload"/>

      <b-input-group class="mb-2">
          placeholder="Enter your Name"

          placeholder="Enter your BrandName"

Note : There are other inputs...

Below is my script functions for the form

import ProfileService from '@/services/ProfileService'

export default {
data () {
return {
  profile: {
    fullname: null,
    brandname: null,
    skill1: null,
    skill2: null,
    skill3: null,
    skill4: null,
    socail_handle1: null,
    socail_handle2: null
  file: null,
  error: null,
  rules: {
    required: (value) => !!value || 'Required.'
methods: {
handleFileUpload () {
  const file = this.$refs.file.files[0]
  this.file = file
async create () {
  this.error = null
  const formData = new FormData()
  formData.append('file', this.files)
  const areAllFieldsFilledIn = Object.keys(this.profile).every(
    (key) => !!this.profile[key]
  if (!areAllFieldsFilledIn) {
    this.error = 'Please fill in all the required fields.'
  try {
    await ProfileService.post(this.profile, formData)
      name: 'profile'
  } catch (error) {
    this.error = error.response.data.error

Below is my ProfileController.js file

const {Profile} = require ('../models')
const multer = require ('multer')

const fileFilter = (req, file, cb) => {
const allowedTypes = ["image/jpeg", "image/jpg", "image/png"]
if (!allowedTypes.includes(file.mimetype)){
const err = new Error('Incorrect File');
return cb(err, false)
cb(null, true)

const upload = multer ({
dest: '../public',

module.exports = {
async post (req, res){
    try {
        const profile = await new Profile({
        profile: this.profile,
        files: req.file
      profile.save().then(result => {
          message: "Done upload!"
    } catch (err) {
        error: 'An Error has occured trying to fetch'

Follow by my Model/Profile.js file

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const Profile = sequelize.define('Profile', {
     files: {
      type: DataTypes.JSON
     fullname: {
       type: DataTypes.STRING,
       allowNull: false
     brandname: DataTypes.STRING,
     skill1: DataTypes.STRING,
     skill2: DataTypes.STRING,
     skill3: DataTypes.STRING,
     skill4: DataTypes.STRING,
     socail_handle1: DataTypes.STRING,
     socail_handle2: DataTypes.STRING
 return Profile 

I hope any one can help me with this please!!!

This is my route.js file

const AuthController = require('./controllers/AuthController')
const AuthControllerPolicy = require('./policies/AuthControllerPolicy')
const ProfileControler = require('./controllers/ProfileController')
const upload = require ('multer')

module.exports = (app) => {


app.post('/upload', upload.single('file'),


I notice two things:

  1. You're not using multer as a middleware function

upload.single('file') returns a function which should be passed as a middleware in your Express routes. You can use it like this in your route.js :

const multer = require('multer');

const upload = multer({
  dest: '../public',

app.post('/upload', upload.single('file'), ProfileController.post);

Then you can remove the upload code in your post function:

module.exports.post = async (req, res) => {
  // Multer makes your file available at req.file
  const file = req.file;

  try {
    // Don't need to await when creating a new Mongo object
    const profile = new Profile({
      profile: this.profile,
      files: file

    // Refactored this to use async/await instead of promises.
    // Avoid mixing promises with async/await.
    const result = await profile.save();
    return res.status(201).json({ message: "Done upload!" });
  } catch (error) {
    return res.status(500).send({ error: 'An Error has occured trying to fetch' });
  1. The name of the file input passed to multer doesn't match with frontend

You're configuring multer to look for a file input named files : upload.single('files') , yet in the frontend you're naming it file (singular): formData.append('file', this.files) . Usually multer will then throw an unexpected field error . Make sure these two match exactly .

This free guide for Parsing Requests in Node.js will help you handle file uploads in Node.js.

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