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Can't create GPU instances on GCE

I am trying to create a GPU instance ( n1-standard-2 with 1 NVIDIA T4 GPU) on Compute Engine and I have been getting this error since yesterday:

Operation type [insert] failed with message "The zone 'projects/deep-learning-xxxx/zones/us-central1-a' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later."

It seems that this region of Google Cloud doesn't have enough GPU resources, but I am getting the same error with other zones too, and after trying multiple times. Regular non-GPU instances are working fine though. I am trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong or if there is a just a huge demand for GPU instances on GCP right now.

The reasons for GPU not being created on a VM in a particular region/zone can be,

1.Resource Unavailability. Check Resource availability here GPU availability across regions and zones .

2.Quota overuse can restrict the creation of GPUs. Refer Checking project quota for details.

3.Few GCP Restrictions, you can refer to the list of Restrictions here.

You can Check GPU Quota in Create VM with GPU's

Alternatively, GCP offers a feature called Reserving Compute Engine zonal resources to ensure that your project has resources for future use.

Finally, I was able to launch a preemptible GPU instance without a problem. So it really seems like Google Cloud doesn't have enough GPU resources to reserve an on-demand GPU VM at the moment.

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