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Laravel 5: how to update items (remove+add) in relation many to many

I'm using Laravel 5. There is a many to many relation

class Visit extends Model 
    public function visitors(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(Visitor::class);

From the request I get data in json format about all visitors, that bellong to the visit

        "visitor_id": 111,
        "type": "owner"
        "visitor_id": 222,
        "type": "seller"
        "visitor_id": 444,
        "type": "buyer"

Visit can have intially visitors

        "visitor_id": 111,
        "type": "owner"
        "visitor_id": 222,
        "type": "seller"
        "visitor_id": 333,
        "type": "buyer"

I need to update visitors: remove visitors, that have been gone, add new visitors and ignore existing. Notice, that visitor has also additional flag - "type", that I should take into account. So as a result it should be as in the 1st example

I didn't find any other solution then make 2 actions: one for delete and another for insert.

class VisitController
    private function updateVisitors(Visit $visit, Collection $newVisitors): void
        $newVisitorsPluck = [];
        foreach ($newVisitors as $visitor) {
            $newVisitorsPluck[$visitor->getId()] = $visitor->getType();

        $existingVisitors = $visit->Visitors()->pluck('visitor_type', 'visitor_id')->toArray();

        $this->deleteRemovedVisitors($visit, $newVisitorsPluck, $existingVisitors);

        $this->addNewVisitors($visit, $newVisitorsPluck, $existingVisitors);

    private function deleteRemovedVisitors(Visit $visit, array $newVisitors, array $existingVisitors): void
        $deleteItems = array_diff_assoc($existingVisitors, $newAVisitors);

        foreach ($deleteItems as $visitorId => $visitorType) {
                ->where('visit_id', '=', $visit->getKey())
                ->where('visitor_id', '=', $visitorId)
                ->where('visitor_type', '=', $visitorType)

    private function addNewVisitors(Visit $visit, array $newVisitors, array $existingVisitors): void
        $addItems = array_diff_assoc($newVisitors, $existingVisitors);

        foreach ($addItems as $visitorId => $visitorType) {
                new Visitvisitor([

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