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Ansible Playbook to get facts from VMWare

Im trying to get the clustername, datastore cluster, port groups, and some other facts from vcenter using ansible. I've read the docs here but the data Im getting in return is almost too much and needs to be filtered. Here's an example of the clustername playbook. It works, but Im looking to get just the name of the cluster. Im outputting it to a yaml file so I can import it into a pipeline later. Here's the code.

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    - vars.yml

    - name: Gather vmware host facts from vCenter
        hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}'
        username: '{{ vcenter_username }}'
        password: '{{ vcenter_password }}'
        datacenter: DC1
        schema: vsphere
          - name
      register: clusternames

    - name: Write results to a local file
        content: "{{ clusternames.clusters | to_yaml }}"
        dest: "clusternames.yml"

Here are the results:

DC1-QA-DMZ: {name: DC1-QA-DMZ}
DC1-QA-GEN: {name: DC1-QA-GEN}
DC1-QA-SQL: {name: DC1-QA-SQL}

Is there a way to just return this?

name: DC1-QA-DMZ
name: DC1-QA-GEN
name: DC1-QA-SQL



I've played around with set_fact but I cant seem to wrap my head around what I'm missing. I need to do a filter of some sort but Im not familiar with what/how.

You can use the keys method from the dictionary class to return a dictionary view object with the clusters, which you can then convert into a list with the list filter function:

content: "{{ clusternames.clusters.keys() | list | to_yaml }}"

The YAML rendering of this would be:


as desired in the question.

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