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Trying to clone a git repo it stuck at cloning into

I am using Windows 10 Ver 10.0.19042 Build 19042 , GIT Ver 2.32 when trying to execute the following command using git bash git clone --depth=1 -b carla https://github.com/CarlaUnreal/UnrealEngine.git. to clone the carla project it stucks displaying the message cloning into '.' forever.

sometimes it yields output Error: error writing "stdout": broken pipe I Have tried the following solutions

  • Replace the HTTPS with HTTP
  • I have installed Open SSH for windows

Also, note that I have copied other repos from git using the command git clone <git_repo> and it works fine

I want to clone the repo with no issues any help?

I just tested the same command (Git 2.32 on Windows 10 as well)

The --depth=1 syntax does work well, both in CMD and git bash.

If you want to test with SSH, you will have to do:

git clone --depth=1 -b carla git@github.com/CarlaUnreal/UnrealEngine.git .

(assuming you have a public key registered to your profile, considering this is a private repository)

If you have enabled ssh for your account then it is due to same reason. I also faced it and with below command you can easily avoid hang problem during clone.

  • ssh -T git@github.com (This command will authenticate you over ssh)
  • git clone git@github.com:/

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