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Android Room SUM Query returning null

I am trying to get the SUM of all transaction amounts from my TransactionDatabase but it's always returning null. Thanks for any help!!

This is my fragment

val transactionViewModelSum = ViewModelProvider(

        transactionViewModelSum.getTransactionByDate().observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
            totalAmount = it.div(10)

        if(totalAmount == null ) binding.cpbMainExpenses.progress = 15f else binding.cpbMainExpenses.progress = totalAmount!!.toFloat()


 @Query("SELECT total(amount) FROM `Transaction`")
    fun getTransactionByDate(): LiveData<Double>

My Repository

fun getTransactionByDate(): LiveData<Double> {
        return transactionDao.getTransactionByDate()

My View Model

private val liveTransactionDate = repository.getTransactionByDate()
fun getTransactionByDate(): LiveData<Double> = liveTransactionDate

Your Query looks like fine. I think problem in async working of this transactionViewModelSum.getTransactionByDate().observe() code. Try to put if(totalAmount == null ) binding.cpbMainExpenses.progress = 15f else binding.cpbMainExpenses.progress = totalAmount.!.toFloat() in observer lambda like bellow:

transactionViewModelSum.getTransactionByDate().observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
            totalAmount = it.div(10)
            if(totalAmount == null ) binding.cpbMainExpenses.progress = 15f else binding.cpbMainExpenses.progress = totalAmount!!.toFloat()

I think that you try to read value of totalAmount before getTransactionByDate emits a value. If if I'am not right please write me about it in comment.

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