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Dataframe - convert rows to columns - grouped by another columns

I am looking to convert a data frame as below

Original dataset

Group Miles
A 23
A 20
A 24
A 25
B 12
B 17
B 16
B 19

I want to convert from above format to this:

Col_A Col_B
23 12
20 17
24 16
25 19

TRY via pivot :

df = df.assign(t= df.groupby('Group').cumcount()).pivot(index = 't', columns ='Group', values = 'Miles').add_prefix('Col_').rename_axis(columns = None).reset_index(drop = True)

OR via pd.concat :

k = pd.concat([g.reset_index(drop=True)['Miles'] for _,g in df.groupby('Group')], 1)
k.columns = ['colA', 'colB']

One more option via set_index / unstack :

k = df.set_index(['Group', df.groupby('Group').cumcount()]).unstack(0).add_prefix('Col_').rename_axis(columns= [None,None])
k.columns = k.columns.droplevel()

One more via groupby / explode :

k = df.groupby('Group').agg(list).T.apply(pd.Series.explode).add_prefix('Col_')
k = k.reset_index(drop=True).rename_axis(columns = None)


   Col_A  Col_B
0     23     12
1     20     17
2     24     16
3     25     19

A pivot_table option:

df = (

df :

   Col_A  Col_B
0     23     12
1     20     17
2     24     16
3     25     19


Create a new index based on the relative position in each group with groupby cumcount :

Group  new_index
    A          0
    A          1
    A          2
    A          3
    B          0
    B          1
    B          2
    B          3

Then Group can become the new columns in the wide format Frame.

Group   A   B
0      23  12
1      20  17
2      24  16
3      25  19

Then some cleanup with add_prefix + rename_axis :

   Col_A  Col_B
0     23     12
1     20     17
2     24     16
3     25     19

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